Thursday, 1 October 2015

Data Mining

Before understanding the concept of the data mining, we should go through the term data warehouse. Now the question is “What is data warehouse?”


 A data warehouse integrates data from multiple data sources. It is a system used for reporting and data analysis. They store current and historical data and are used for creating analytical reports for knowledge workers throughout the enterprise.  Examples of reports could range from annual and quarterly comparisons and trends to detailed daily sales analyses. This is a reason that data warehouse, also known as an Enterprise data warehouse (EDW).
Data warehousing is defined as a process of centralized data management and retrieval. Data warehousing, like data mining, is a relatively new term although the concept itself has been around for years. Data warehousing represents an ideal vision of maintaining a central repository of all organizational data.


It is rightfully said that data is money in today’s world. Along with the transition to an app-based world comes the exponential growth of data. However, most of the data is unstructured and hence it takes a process and method to extract useful information from the data and transform it into understandable and usable form. This is where data mining comes into picture. Plenty of tools are available for data mining tasks using artificial intelligence, machine learning and other techniques to extract data.

Data mining is the  process of discovering patterns in large data sets with artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and database systems. It is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information - information that can be used to increase revenue, cuts costs, or both. Data mining software is one of a number of analytical tools for analyzing data. It allows users to analyze data from many different dimensions or angles, categorize it, and summarize the relationships identified. Technically, data mining is the process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large relational databases.

Data mining is primarily used today by companies with a strong consumer focus - retail, financial, communication, and marketing organizations. It enables these companies to determine relationships among "internal" factors such as price, product positioning, or staff skills, and "external" factors such as economic indicators, competition, and customer demographics. And, it enables them to determine the impact on sales, customer satisfaction, and corporate profits. Finally, it enables them to "drill down" into summary information to view detail transactional data.

Data mining has been used to:
  • Identify unexpected shopping patterns in supermarkets.
  • Optimize website profitability by making appropriate offers to each visitor.
  • Predict customer response rates in marketing campaigns.
  • Defining new customer groups for marketing purposes.
  • Predict customer defections: which customers are likely to switch to an alternative supplier in the near future.
  • Distinguish between profitable and unprofitable customers.
  • Improve yields in complex production processes by finding unexpected relationships between process parameters and defect rates.
  • Identify "wedge issues" and target political campaigns.
  • Identify suspicious (unusual) behavior, as part of a fraud detection process.

In short, Data Mining can be applied anywhere in your business or organization where you are interested in identifying and exploiting predictable outcomes.

Data mining Tasks

Data mining involves six common classes of tasks:

Anomaly detection  – The identification of unusual data records, that might be interesting or data errors that require further investigation.

Association rule learning  – Searches for relationships between variables. For example, a supermarket might gather data on customer purchasing habits. Using association rule learning, the supermarket can determine which products are frequently bought together and use this information for marketing purposes. This is sometimes referred to as market basket analysis.

Clustering – is the task of discovering groups and structures in the data that are in some way or another "similar", without using known structures in the data.

Classification – is the task of generalizing known structure to apply to new data. For example, an e-mail program might attempt to classify an e-mail as "legitimate" or as "spam".

Regression – attempts to find a function which models the data with the least error.

Summarization – providing a more compact representation of the data set, including visualization and report generation.

Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing is a term used for marketing products and/or services online. It refers to advertising and marketing efforts by use of present technology and electronic medium. Essentially, Internet marketing refers to the strategies that are used to market a product or service online. Internet marketing and online advertising efforts are typically used in conjunction with traditional types of advertising like radio, television, newspaper and magazines. It provides marketing strategies that include search engine optimization and search engine submission, copywriting that encourages site visitors to take action, web site design strategies, online promotions, reciprocal linking, and email marketing.

There are a number of terms specific to online marketing:


 It is helpful to know whether you’re a search engine marketer or just need to speak with one.

CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization): 

 It helps marketers to understand how effective their calls-to-action are on a website. Planning for CRO is important when youare selling a product or service, asking visitors to sign up for your newsletter or any other action.
Local Search:

 One area of search engine marketing that is beginning to grow is local search. This allows users to find Web sites and businesses that are within a local geographic range. 

Mobile Marketing:

 With an ever-increasing number of consumers depending on their smartphones, it is possible for any business to reach a target audience. For this reason, it is important to have a mobile site or even an app for your business.
Permission Marketing:

  It will ask users’ permission to display the ad. If a person gives permission, the probability to look at it and absorb the information it provides, is much greater.
Remarketing/ Retargeting:

 When a user visits your website, a cookie is set on their computer. Even after they leave your website and continue searching around the Web, your ads will pop up wherever they are. This keeps your site in their mind.

Contextual Advertising:

 It is a form of advertising that offered by most search engine advertisers, like Google. It post your ads with Web pages, blog posts and news articles that are related to your organization. By matching your advertised search terms with Web content, there is a higher chance of click through and conversion.
Day Parting:

 This means setting up your ads to display only at certain times of the day and/or week. Selecting the best time to have your ads on display can save money while giving you the most reach.

With geo-targeting, you can set your ads, including PPC campaigns, to reach only those in a specified physical location. Search engines use IP addresses to determine if a user is in the market that you are trying to reach or not.

ROS (Run of Site):

 This allows banners to appear on any page inside of a website. Then, no matter what page a person clicks through on your website, they can easily see that advertisement.
Unique Value Proposition (UVP):

 This is any trait that sets your company, service and products apart from all the rest. .


Ecommerce refers to the buying and selling of goods and services online and the transfer of funds between buyer and seller. E-commerce is widely considered the buying and selling of products over the internet, but any transaction  that is completed solely through electronic measures can be considered e-commerce. E-commerce is subdivided into three categories: business to business or B2B (Cisco), business to consumer or B2C (Amazon), and consumer to consumer or C2C (eBay), also known as electronic commerce.

Niche Marketing

Niche Marketing is a popular form of internet marketing that involves targeting a subset of an industry or market. In other words, a more narrowly-defined group of target customers. The aim is to avoid going up against established competitors and instead create valuable products and services for a previously underserved market segment. With so much choice available online and the ease with which information is searchable, increasingly internet-sarvy customers gravitate to these specialist providers, who are marketing specifically to them, creating a mutually-beneficial relationship.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a form of internet marketing where a company pays or rewards an affiliate for visitors and sales generated as a result of their marketing efforts. There are two ways to approach affiliate marketing: You can offer an affiliate program to others or you can sign up to be another business's affiliate. As the business driving an affiliate program, you'll pay your affiliates a commission fee for every lead or sale they drive to your website. Your main goal should be to find affiliates who'll reach untapped markets. For example, a company with an e-zine may make a good affiliate because its subscribers are hungry for resources. So introducing your offer through a "trusted" company can grab the attention of prospects you might not have otherwise reached.

You should also make sure you aren't competing with your own affiliates for eyeballs. Any marketing channels you're using, such as search engines, content sites or e-mail lists, should be off limits to your affiliates. Put marketing restrictions into your affiliate agreement and notify partners immediately. It's your program--you set the rules. Or, if you prefer, you can let your affiliates run the majority of your internet marketing.


Business process management (BPM) is a systematic and business solution approach to make an organization's workflow, more efficient and more capable of adapting to an ever-changing environment. It allows all the processes to run smoothly and effectively. It is a way that leads to the "process optimization". BPM views a business as a set of processes or workflows or we can also say that it is a set of activities that are to be performed for the overall development of the firm. BPM Software is software which enables businesses to model, implement, execute, monitor and optimize their processes and to convince the customers.
The goal of BPM is to reduce human error and miscommunication and focus stakeholders on the requirements of their roles. BPM is a subset of infrastructure management, an administrative area concerned with maintaining and optimizing an organization's equipment and core operations. For running this infrastructure we require some BPM tools that are as follows: 

1. Planning and budgeting
2. Key performance indicators (KPIs)
3. Balanced scorecard (BSC)
4. Benchmarking
5. Business excellence model
7. Six sigma
8. Performance dashboards
9. Customer relationship management (CRM)
10. Performance appraisals
These are the tools or sub-system components residing within BPM , that plays a major role in the organization development.


1) Horizontal BPM Solutions:

These are those BPM solutions that can be applied across several industries. Horizontal frameworks deal with design and development of business processes and are generally focused on technology and reuse.

2) Vertical BPM Solutions:

 BPM solutions that are specific to a particular industry or type of process. Vertical BPM frameworks focus on a specific set of coordinated tasks and have pre-built templates that can be readily configured and deployed.

BPM Life Cycle

The BPM life cycle follows a chain of steps that are as follows:


Process design encompasses both the identification of existing processes and the design of the processes. Areas of focus include representation of the process flow, the factors within it, alerts and notifications, escalations, standard operating procedures, service level agreements, and task hand-over mechanisms. What processes should be present or what process are not required are to be done under this stage.


Modeling takes the theoretical design and introduces combinations of observations that are needed for the further steps. It determines  how the process might operate under different circumstances.


It takes care of, how these applications rarely execute all the steps of the process accurately or completely. Another approach is to use a combination of software and human intervention; however this approach is more complex, making the documentation process difficult. Business rules have been used by systems to provide definitions for governing behavior, and a business rule engine can be used to drive process execution and resolution.


Monitoring encompasses the tracking of individual processes, so that information on their state can be easily seen, and statistics on the performance of one or more processes can be provided. An example of this tracking is being able to determine the state of a customer order (e.g. order arrived, awaiting delivery, invoice paid) so that problems in its operation can be identified and corrected.
In addition, this information can be used to work with customers and suppliers to improve their connected processes. Here Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) extends and expands the monitoring tools generally provided by BPMS.


Process optimization includes retrieving the best of the process performance. It is the most important phase of the life cycle of the BPM as the main goal of the BPM is to get optimized processes.


When the process becomes too noisy and optimization is not fetching the desired output, it is recommended  to re-engineer the entire process cycle. Business Process Reengineering (BPR) has been used by organizations to attempt to achieve efficiency and productivity at workEngineering services plays major  role behind it.

Wednesday, 1 July 2015


E-commerce, stands for electronic commerce, is trading in products or services using computer networks, such as the Internet. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web for at least one part of the transaction's life cycle, although it may also use other technologies such as e-mail.

These business transactions occur either business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer or consumer-to-business. The terms e-commerce and e-business are often used interchangeably. The term e-tail is also sometimes used in suggestion to transactional processes in the region of online retail.

E-commerce is conducted using a variety of applications, such as emailfax, online catalogs and shopping carts, Electronic Data Interchange(EDI), File Transfer Protocol, and Web services.
To ensure the security, privacy and effectiveness of e-commerce, businesses should validate business transactions, control access to resources such as web pages for registered or selected users, encrypt communications and apply safekeeping technologies such as the Secure Sockets Layer.

There are 6 basic types of e-commerce:

Ø  Business-to-Business (B2B)

Ø  Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

Ø  Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)

Ø  Consumer-to-Business (C2B).

Ø  Business-to-Administration (B2A)

Ø  Consumer-to-Administration (C2A)

 1. Business-to-Business (B2B)

Business-to-Business (B2B) e-commerce encompasses all electronic transactions of goods or services conducted ​​between companies. Producers and traditional commerce wholesalers usually operate with this type of electronic commerce.

2. Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

The Business-to-Consumer type of e-commerce is well-known by the establishment of electronic business relationships between businesses and final consumers. It corresponds to the retail section of e-commerce, where traditional retail trade usually operates.
These types of relationships can be easier and more vibrant, but also more infrequent or discontinued. This type of commerce has developed greatly, due to the advent of the web, and there are already many virtual stores and malls on the Internet, which sell all kinds of consumer goods, such as computers, software, food, books, shoes, cars, financial products, digital publications, etc.
When compared to buying retail in traditional commerce, the consumer usually has more information available in terms of informative content and there is also a widespread idea that you’ll be buying cheaper, without jeopardizing an equally personalized customer service, as well as ensuring quick processing and delivery of your order.

        3. Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)

Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) type e-commerce encompasses all electronic transactions of goods or services conducted ​​between consumers. Generally, these transactions are conducted through a third party, which provides the online platform where the transactions are actually carried out.

         4. Consumer-to-Business (C2B)

In Consumer-to-Business (C2B) there is a complete setback of the traditional sense of exchanging goods. This type of e-commerce is very common in multitude sourcing based projects. A large number of individuals make their services or products available for purchase for companies seeking specifically these types of services or products.
Examples of such practices are the sites where designers present several proposals for a company logo and where only one of them is selected and effectively purchased. Another platform that is very common in this type of commerce are the markets that sell royalty-free photographs, images, media and design elements, such as I stockpile photo.

        5. Business-to-Administration (B2A)

This part of e-commerce encompasses all transactions conducted online between companies and public administration. This is an area that involves a large amount and a variety of services, particularly in areas such as fiscal, social security, employment, legal documents and registers, etc. These types of services have increased considerably in recent years with investments made in e-government.
      6. Consumer-to-Administration (C2A)

The Consumer-to-Administration model encompasses all electronic transactions conducted between individuals and public administration.

Types of e Commerce Payment System:
An e-commerce payment system allows you to pay for on-line transactions using electronic payment. According to The Office of Fair Trading, about 30 percent of Internet users do not shop on-line because of a professed increased risk of fraud. Though e-commerce fraud can happen, the introduction of such added security measures as a card verification number on credit card transactions helps to reduce the occurrence of fraud.

Credit Cards
The most common form of payment for e-commerce transactions is through credit cards. To use this system, shoppers simply enter their credit card number and date of expiry in the appropriate area on a web page. Increased security measures, such as the use of a card verification number (CVN), located on the back of the credit card, have been added to on-line credit card payment systems. The CVN system detects fraud by comparing the CVN with the cardholder's information as supplied by their bank.

Digital Wallets

·         A digital wallet, or e-wallet, is another type of e-commerce payment system. Much like a physical wallet, a digital wallet can store your personal information and payment. However, digital wallets are stored within your PC. Once the software is installed on your digital wallet, enter your personal information, such as your name and billing address, then connect it to your banking information so you can use it to withdraw funds from your account(s) when making on-line purchases. When you're at the check-out page of an e-commerce site, the digital wallet can automatically enter your personal and banking information into the appropriate areas.


·         An e-commerce system that uses e-cash refers to a system in which money is only exchanged electronically. To use e-cash, link your personal bank account to other payee accounts or set up an e-cash account using a centralized system, such as PayPal, and link it to your personal bank account. To fund your e-cash account, you can debit from your personal bank account or credit card. To make payments using your e-cash account, you can make a deposit to the other person's e-cash account if you have their banking information, or request a transfer to their bank account.

Mobile Payment

·         The newest e-commerce payment system is mobile payment, wherein a consumer uses his cell phone to make purchases. Instead of using cash or credit cards to buy something, the user simply sends a payment request via text message. If the vendor has the mobile billing capability, the consumer's mobile account or credit card is charged for the purchase. To set up a mobile payment system, download a software package from your cell phone company's website, then link your credit card or mobile billing information to that software.
Josoft Technologies is a global leader in providing E-commerce based services. Josoft Technologies is an India based Business Outsourcing Company Provides different type of services related to E-commerce. It is working from last 2 years in this field.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

JPG To MS Word Data Entry Work

Following are the details of Project.

Data: 240 to 270 Pages
Duration: 22 Days to 25 Days (As specified by the company)
Enrollment Fee:
                Rs 15,000 & Rs 10,000/- Refundable* Valid for One Year (8 slots)
                * Rs 10,000/- Refundable only in case if you achieve the accuracy level above 97% for continuous three times.
The job work will be renewed for the next year if provided accuracy of 97% and above for three times
Requirements: Two Photos, Address & ID Proof, Email ID and 50 Rs Stamp paper.
Payment according to your accuracy:
                97% & above = Rs 10,000/-
                90% & above = Rs 7,500/-
                80% & above = Rs 5,000/-
                70% & above = Rs 2,500/-
                Below 70 % = No Payment
You have to do it in Ms Word 2003 version.
                Job works will be placed on 2nd and 18th day of every month
Payment Mode:
                10 working days for receiving the accuracy report after the deadline of the project. 5 days for receiving the payments after getting the accuracy report payments are made through cheque.

                If a person does not work or achieves accuracy less than 70% for three projects, his id will be canceled without any information.

JPG to MS Word

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Health Insurance Project - Offline Data Entry Work for 5 PC

It is an offline form filling data entry work. You can do it from Home. Our company will provide you software for data feeding. Here we are giving full information about this project.


PC Required
5 PC

Workload per 20 Days
15,000 records per 1 Slot

Contract Period
11 Months

20 Days

Monthly Billing
INR 2,25,000/-

Rate per record
INR 15/-

QC Report
After Submission work within 7-10 Days

After QC Report within 2-3 days


Operating System          
Windows 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 7/ 8.  * Note EMD5  is not supported on Windows 98.

RAM Required 
256 MB

Hard Disk          
At least 5 GB free disk space per system

We provide you software for this part of operation.
Business Fee Amount INR 75,000/- (Not Refundable)

Signup Schedule

Contract Document Validation
11 Months

Agreement Processer  
Within 24 Hours

Security Deposit
Within 24 Hours On work start

1 Hour

Demo of work 
Minimum 48 Hours

Accuracy Required

RATE per Form
INR 15/-

99.1 % - 100 %
100% Payment

97.1 % - 99 %  
75% Payment (Rework)

95.1 % - 97 %  
50 % Payment (Rework)

90.1 % - 95 %  
20 % Payment (No Rework)